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  1. download `arsc.tar.gz' using the URL:
  2. unpack `arsc.tar.gz' by keying in: 'tar -xvzf appc.tar.gz'
  3. change into the directory `arsc' created by unpacking the archive. This directory contains a pre-compiled version of the interpreter having the name: `arscint'.

    If the binary version of the interpreter is executable on the target platform the installation is finished. If this does not work the sources have to be recompiled.

  4. download `gc6.3.tar.gz' using the URL specified above.
  5. unpack `gc6.3.tar.gz' by keying in: 'tar -xvzf gc6.3.tar.gz'
  6. change into the directory `gc6.3'.
  7. configure the package by keying in: './configure'.
  8. compile the package: 'make'.
  9. install the garbage collector by keying in: 'make install'. (To execute this function root permission is required.)
  10. change into the directory which contains the precompiled interpreter.
  11. compile the interpreter by keying in: 'make'.
  12. test the function of the installed interpreter:
    ARS-EVAL-> (load "test.ars")
    ARS-EVAL-> (quit)

  13. store the interpreter (`arscint') from the current directory into the target directory.

Georg P. Loczewski 2004-03-05

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