A constitutive principle is different from a simple characteristic of a programming language. In this sense ARS is not constitutive in languages like for example Pascal, C and C++. Every programming language must somehow provide a `name giving' mechanism, a feature allowing to call procedures or functions and the possibility to refer to variables.
In A++ ARS is universal, the principles can be applied anywhere at any time because they make up the language.
In most other languages the operations symbolized by ARS can be applied only under certain conditions, only in certain constructs controlled by a complex set of rules, which on top of blocking ARS is different from language to language.
This complex set of rules imposing many restrictions and limitations on the programming activity makes learning how to program more difficult than necessary, distracts students from the essentials of programming, delays the learning process and may prevent students from reaching a profound knowledge of the art of programming combined with a high degree of programming efficiency.
Georg P. Loczewski 2004-03-09