Next: zero
Up: Natural Numbers
Previous: Natural Numbers
Now it should not be difficult to understand the code that
lies behind the expression `(three apples)'.
- The function `three' expects one argument symbolized by `f'
in it's definition. `f' is supposed to be a function taking
one argument symbolized by `x'.
- The abstraction `apples' is a function taking one argument
and can therefore be synthesized with `three', or in other
words `three' can be invoked with `apples' as an argument.
- The result of this synthesis or function call is the no-name
function taking one argument symbolized by `x'.
- In other words our original expression `(three apples)'
would not return to us our desired apples but another
abstraction instead that has to be synthesized with a basket
(symbolized by `x') before we get the basket filled with
three apples (if the basket was empty at the beginning).
- We get three apples because the function `f' was invoked
three times with the basket as an argument as returned from
the previous function call.
- To receive our desired apples finally we have to change our
original expression into the following one:
((three apples) basket)
- We would like to leave it up to readers to explain to
themselves why the following expression would not be
correct and therefore would not result in basket filled
with apples:
((three (apples basket))
As clumsy as this example may be, it nevertheless should have
made clear how numbers are defined in A++, following the idea
of Alonzo Church in his Lambda Calculus. Numbers of this kind
are called `Church Numerals'.
As interesting as these 'Church Numerals' are, readers might still
ask the question `Why bother with them?' if they are not needed
later in any practical programming work (Java, C, C++, not even
Lisp and Scheme).
From the educational viewpoint these Church Numerals are extremely
important however, because they make us very quickly familiar with
the core of functional programming:
functions have the same status as data,.
- they can be passed as arguments,
- they can be returned by functions, and
- new functions can be created on the fly.
This is what people mean, when they use the phrase:
functions are first class objects or functions have the status
first class.
Following the outlined approach above we can define the following
Next: zero
Up: Natural Numbers
Previous: Natural Numbers
Georg P. Loczewski